
Veterans Afairs & Rehabilitation Chair Person: Mary Diel

Coming home may be the end of one journey for many of our veterans; it is also the beginning of a new journey to transition to a “new normal.” At the core of the purpose and service of the American Legion Auxiliary is helping them get there. Auxiliary members are passionate about providing care and comfort to our heroic U.S. servicemembers who are so highly deserving of everything we can possibly do for them.

At Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, Auxiliary-sponsored gift shops and holiday parties have become a revered tradition and valued program. Members, units, and departments also purchase essential equipment and supplies for these facilities.

Purpose Statement

To initiate, sponsor, and participate in programs and services that assist and enhance the lives of veterans and their families, ensuring restoration and/or transition to normally functioning lives physically, mentally, socially, and vocationally.

Community Service Chair Person: Jan Irwin

Purpose StatementTo strengthen our local communities with uniquely identified opportunities of service by providing volunteer leadership, encouraging the stewardship of its patriotic citizens, acknowledging our country’s military history, and supporting the families that have sacrificed for our freedom.

Junior Member Activities Chair Person: Mary Stephenson

Purpose Statement

To interest eligible young women (under age 18) in adult Auxiliary membership through positive experiences of mission-based volunteer opportunities that instill the ideals of the organization.


Purpose Statement

To inspire, recognize, and perpetuate responsible citizenship through education and acts of patriotism, in order to raise awareness and increase appreciation of the price paid for our fundamental freedoms.

Respect is both earned and learned. The fundamental value of the American Legion Auxiliary is showing respect for our country and our nation’s flag. The Auxiliary creates opportunities for Americans to do both. We share practical things everyone can do to better live as grateful, patriotic citizens. The Auxiliary provides learning opportunities and instructional resources for important things every good citizen should know such as learning about the Constitution, flying the flag on patriotic holidays, folding pocket flags to send to our troops overseas, and presenting flags to local schools and businesses.

Star Spangled Kids:

“Star Spangled” Kids is an initiative to educate children and youth in the history of the United States from the aspect of patriotism, Americanism, and the U.S. Constitution. Auxiliary members can partner with the American Legion Family, team with their Education chairman, and bring veterans or active duty military into the classrooms to talk about what their service means to defending the Constitution

Children and Youth Committee: Co Chairs Brenda Richarz & Jennifer Slater

Key Program Statements

  • The Children & Youth program emphasizes protecting, caring for, and supporting children and youth, particularly those of veterans’ and military families.

  • To recognize and reward the positive actions of our children and youth, the American Legion Auxiliary has two special national awards bestowed to youth nominated by units: the Youth Hero Award and the Good Deed Award.

  • Kids of Deployed are Heroes 2 (KDH2) is an initiative honoring military children who may be experiencing a separation from one or both parents, whether deployed to a war zone, having a short tour or on an extended temporary duty assignment.

  • The American Legion Auxiliary Children & Youth program strives to support and promote the Children & Youth program of The American Legion.

Legislative Committee

Key Program Statement::

  • The Legislative program provides information and assistance to American Legion Auxiliary members to advocate for the legislative agenda of The American Legion.

Constitution and By-Laws Committee Chairperson: Lori Millam

Key Program Statements

  • The Constitution & Bylaws program informs and educates members of the American Legion Auxiliary on the importance and power of having properly written and regularly reviewed and updated governing documents at all levels of the organization.

  • Your governing documents include your articles of incorporation (if incorporated), constitution, bylaws, standing rules, and policies.

  • These fundamental rules of the organization state how the membership agrees to govern itself, how it will choose its leaders, hold its meetings, and policies of the administration of the organization.

  • Knowing the non-profit laws in your state provides the essential foundation for your governing documents at the department, district, county, and unit level.

  • The importance of having governing documents in place to allow operations to continue in an emergency has become absolutely vital.

  • Keeping your governing documents up to date and making them available to all members are key to a healthy organization that functions as a team to support our veterans, military, and their families.

  • Remember that department, district, county, and unit constitution, bylaws, and standing rules cannot be in conflict with national governing documents.

  • When the national constitution, bylaws, and standing rules change, departments, districts, counties, and units should automatically update their governing documents.

  • Contact your Department Constitution & Bylaws Chairman for assistance. The National Association of Parliamentarians is a good resource to find a professional registered parliamentarian near you.

National Security Committee Chairperson: Mary Bandini

Key Program Statements:

  • The National Security program maintains and promotes a strong national defense by strengthening and supporting military servicemembers and their families.

  • Support active-duty military families by working with an installation Family Readiness Group (FRG). Contact the Family Readiness Center on your nearby military installation for more information.

Public Relations Committee Chairperson: Laura Diel

Key Program Statements:

  • Spread the word about the American Legion Auxiliary: A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families.

  • Encourage ALA members to be visible in their communities through valuable, distinct branding.

  • Share the latest news from ALA volunteer national leadership and ALA National Headquarters.

Education Committee Chairperson: Lucille Armbruster

Key Program Statements

  • To promote quality education for children, especially for military children, and adults

  • To encourage schools to invite veterans to speak in their classrooms

  • To provide scholarships for students who desire a college education

  • To Support legislation that establishes new scholarship opportunities

  • To support the Education program and scholarship opportunities of The American Legion

Auxiliary Emergency Fund: Chairperson Tricia Casper

The Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) is a national grant assistance program that provides temporary emergency help to eligible members of the American Legion Auxiliary who have suffered a significant financial setback as the result of an act of nature or other personal crisis.

The AEF was established in 1969 with a bequest from the estate of Auxiliary member Helen Colby Small of Burlington, Wis. It continues today solely through generous donations from Auxiliary members.