
“The first week in Mach 1928 the members of St. Charles Unit #312 of the American Legion entertained their wives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts at the country club. The purpose of the meeting was to find out if the sentiment was in favor of forming an auxiliary. The response left no doubt of the need for such an organization! Mrs. Grafton of St. Louis explained the purposes of the organization. 32 names were subscribed that night.

March 29, 1928 a meeting was held at the Moose Hall with Mrs. Perry, committeewoman of the 12th district, presiding and Unit 312 American Legion Auxiliary was definitely organized with a charter membership of 49. The following officers were elected

President – Mrs. Clanton

1st Vice Pres. – Mrs. Irvin Weber

2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Vance Ringe

Secretary – Miss Wilma Jack

Treasurer – Mrs. Bruce Wilson

Historian Mrs. Wayne O’Neal

Chaplain – Mrs. Elmer Waye.

Sergeant at arms – Mrs. M. H. Kleusner.

In June, Mrs. Waye resigned as chaplain and Mrs. Hugh Howe was elected to this office. Mrs. Clanton was later found not eligible for membership Mrs. Bruce Wilson was elected President and Mrs. Borgmeyer was elected Treasurer. Meetings are held the first and third Fridays of each month membership dues are $2.01”

St. Louis Post Dispatch

Sunday, 14 August 1938